Podcast #28 – The Calling and Commission of Robert Morrison

Buried? Yes, but it is seed
From which Continents may feed;
Millions yet may bless the day
When that seed was laid away.

- M.E. Barber

China owes a great debt to Robert Morrison. He was the first Protestant missionary to pioneer a gospel work in a land that most Christians at the time deemed impenetrable. In terms of the gospel, his work looked unimpressive—he only managed to gain one solid convert by the end of his life. But God's accounting is different from ours. Today in China the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life estimates that there are 67 million Christians in China. Robert Morrison was one of the faithful ones to sow himself as a seed into China. In this podcast we take a look at Robert Morrison’s life.

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  1. Isaac on September 22, 2014 at 10:15 am

    We need Christ and we should answer His call.

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